Warden Park Primary Academy, New England Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 3JR

01444 451264

Warden Park Primary

'Reach for the Stars'


We run a number of events throughout the school year and welcome ideas from parents, staff and other friends of the school.  All event are advertised on our Facebook Page.

If you have an event you would like to run we can help with logistics, advertising and organisation.  Please get in touch via our email fowppa@wardenparkprimary.co.uk or our Facebook Page.

All our events, including committee meetings, will be displayed on the calendar below so please check here for the latest info.

Tickets for our events and fundraising projects such as Christmas card designs can be purchased via our PTA Events platform.  Visit www.pta-events.co.uk/fowpp/ or download the PTA Events app using code: fowpp.

For more on how to get involved click here.