Warden Park Primary Academy, New England Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 3JR

01444 451264

Warden Park Primary

'Reach for the Stars'

Friends of Warden Park Primary

The Friends of Warden Park Primary (FoWPP) is the parents and teachers association for our school.   All parents and carers are automatically 'friends' of the school and are very welcome to attend the meetings that are held regularly throughout the year.  In addition we welcome new fundraising ideas and any help you can give to running our events. See Get involved for more details.


Contact us via our email fowppa@wardenparkprimary.co.uk or our Facebook page.  

You can donate via our PTA Events website.

The Committee

Our mission

To support the school in its commitment to create children who are creative, resilient, independent, curious and team players.  We aim to do this through fundraising activities that focus on building a strong school community and provide all our children with the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.


Our personality

The FoWPP committee is part of the school.  We are transparent in whatever we do and how we do it. 
As committee members we aim to be:
  1. Knowledgeable: We know what is going on in school and can answer parents’ questions.
  2. Friendly: As a group of parents and staff we seek to be approachable and are happy to respond to any ideas and answer any questions.
  3. Committed: We are dedicated to improving the health, well-being and quality of education for all children within the school.
  4. Inclusive: All parents are considered to be 'friends' of the school and all are welcome to have their say, provide feedback, attend committee meetings and events, and to facilitate meetings and events.
  5. Respectful: We are respectful of each other and everyone who makes up the Friends of Warden Park Primary.
  6. Creative: We look for new ways to raise funds for the school and make our voluntary action effective.

Our constitution

The Friends of Warden Park Primary is a charity registered with the Charities Commission and as such we have adopted a form of constitution that is approved by the Commission.
The constitution is a document which sets out the rules by which the FoWPP is governed and describes:
  • the aims of the FoWPP
  • its membership
  • its powers
  • how committee members/trustees are elected
  • how meetings should be held
Our charity registration number is 298816 and a copy of our constitution can be found here.

Committee meeting minutes

Tuesday 18th October 2022

Thursday 29th September 2022

AGM 28th February 2023

AGM presentation

Minutes to follow shortly

Committee roles 

Committee role descriptions - 2022


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